We welcome nominations!
Do you know of someone (including yourself!) who meets our criteria below as a leading changemaker in the movement for ethical consumption? If yes, please take a moment to complete our brief nomination form. Thanks!
Leading changemakers in the movement for ethical consumption are displayed in the network map and invited to our private WhatsApp Community.
Our current criteria for inclusion in the network:
demonstrable interest or leadership in accelerating the movement for ethical consumption; and
fits at least one of the criteria below:
awarded a prestigious social impact fellowship (Ashoka, MacArthur, Skoll, Schwab, Echoing Green, Unreasonable)
established social innovator with $100K+ in annual revenue (civil society, for-profit or hybrid structures)
individual or institutional funder or investor with $30M+ in assets
exceptional reach and influence via thought leadership, media, policy, networks, etc.
We can also include an additional two teammates per network member in the WhatsApp Community, in the interest of co-leadership, mentorship, teamwork or supporting the conversation.
Thanks to these organizations for providing valuable sources of ethical consumption organizations:
We have included in our network only a handful of product “labels” with especially strong influence or representing key issues, recognizing that there are hundreds of other product “labels” as detailed in the links below:
We have also included only a handful of hundreds of consumers unions and consumer rights organizations, which tend to focus on conventional (vs ethical) consumer issues such as health, safety, privacy and fair treatment: